Thanks for advice. First of all, my main problem was solved by oiling the motor and glueing the pulley to the shaft, as I wrote. It was not a drive belt problem. I use the SAMA with the SDS and have a special Bright star platform (sand box) with separate support for the SAMA. I have not noticed any "pull" with this arrangement, but will investigate, and agree with you on the "rock solid" goal. In my experience, everything that can be done to dampen the motor and make the belt perform as smoothly as possible is definitively worth it (so my Sama has extra damping, I even found a bit of bluetac under the top ring made a positive difference. I use a stethoscope and my finger to detect noise and vibration for the motor). I have not tried tenderfeet but already have a complex support system including three small bike tires below the sand box (cheap way to air suspension, and yes, it does help).
Thanks for the advice on the Hurst. Interesting to open the SAMA and see that 80 percent of it is just the metal support for the tiny motor. Since I probably need a new pulley along with a 300 rpm motor, I may go thru VPI. But the question, is this a sonic benefit, has not been answered.