VPI motor - upgrade to 300 rpm?

I hsve a HW-19 mk 4 plus or something, with the Black knight platter and inverted bearing, along with the SDS, The SAMA is the Hurst 600 rpm. This has run, now, for five years. Recently I have had problems with pitch variation, not easy to locate. The problems have been somewhat solved by glueing the pulley to the shaft and by oiling the motor, helping a lot, but perhaps not fully. Should I order a 300 rpm motor and new pulley? Advice is appreaciated, especially, experiences going from the 600 to the 300 rpm motor.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

Thanks! I think PRAT is what I am looking for, and want to try the silk thread variant. What kind of basic knot do you use?
The question remains, what is the best motor, is there a sonic profit with 300 rpm? Since no-one here has answered, I have mailed VPI about this.
Here's a thread discussion thread (sorry, I couldn't resist) but there are others and some that have on-line sources quoted.

I have not made an unbiased comparison between the 300 and 600 rpm motors, but years ago when I looked up specs for the so-called upgrade, I noticed the 600 has twice the torque - that's quite a difference. Of course, there is probably a price to pay for that, likely vibration, but with all the talk years ago about the torquey idler drives, I kept the 600 and made myself a pulley stabilizer/flywheel which goes in front of the pulley and tensions the belt around the pulley 180 degrees - all without increasing the overall belt tension. I can just turn my motor on, no pushing, and the platter starts to spin at speed immediately, and that's how torquey the 600 motor really is. I have only 1/4" of belt on each side of the pulley/flywheel, which means it will have very little stretch - compare that to the stock 6" length and 40 degrees of contact.

And, of course, it sounds way better. Why VPI doesn't do this I don't understand.

Sorry, can't link a pic, but I'll try to figure something out.
Today I got this reply from Mike at VPI:
"The 300 RPM motor does not work on the HW-19 so that is not an issue. The 600 RPm motor should work perfectly when you get the capacitor right for your countries voltage and frequency, it is a critical item and if you are willing to play with different values you can fine tune the motor for lowest noise and running smoothness. Mike"
No use running after a 300 rpm motor, then. Capacitors, here we come. Has anyone tried?
Storyboy, this sounds very interesting, can you explain a bit more ("in front of the pulley and tensions the belt around the pulley 180 degrees")?
Amazing what one can achieve with further improvements like these...