phono amp or not.

Decisions can be so hard sometimes. Soon I'll hopefully be getting a bonus from my work. I would like to spend some on improving my system. However there are two things I could do. But sadly I cannot do both. The two things I could do are:

1) Sell my speakers and by new speakers. This will hopefully improve my system overall. Meaning both my analog and digital sources will benefit from an speaker upgrade hopefully.

2) By a separate phono amp. This should hopefully improve my analogue source a lot. Since I don't like to keep upgrading I would like to do it right the first time and have a phono amp that will keep me happy for years to come.

But a new phono amp means I will also need to invest in some interlinks etc. Meaning this a phono amp might be more expensive then new speakers. However I can spend $100000 on speakers (not that I have that kind of money) but if my phono amp isn't up to par it might not be the best investment.

So what to do?

Also I live in Europe. So to get an idea what is available to me check

Ps Can anyone share their experience with Blue Amp Surzur?

Dump the Scout and the Dorian. The JMW arms have trouble with many modern carts and the Dorian has been replaced by the Delos. The Delos is warmer while keeping the detail. The Delos has a small vtf range it will track in so it may not work well in the JMW 9. The Kleos does not work well in my 9 Signature.

Good Luck,
Before I "dump"my turntable I think a phono pre would be a better choise. I doubt if I can hear an improvement with my current in build phono amp.

So buying an other turntable would not be the best option I think. I had my eyes on a pair of totem mani-2 but they have been sold already.
Speaker upgrade can be useful, when you go for a sensitive design (93dB+), you will get a more lively, much more effortless presentation with less resonance problems in the room. More important is the X-over, independent from the sensitivity from the chassis. Some can be a tough task for amps...

Phono Amp
Rolf Gmein (Symphonic Line) is a good Designer. A good Phono Stage is the key product for analog Reproduction. Each his own, but I always invested my most money in that stage, it is worth it. I used for a lot of years a Transistor unit from Stan Klyne (Model 7), not so common but he found some excellent solutions. Closed the gap between Transistor/Tube sound.
Good luck.
As always, it is on case by case basis, no universal solutions. However, I guarantee that if you replace your table with better Nottingham, SME, Simon Yorke etc. you will hear a difference even if you play them using a phono stage built in a boombox let alone your Symphonic Line.
Keep us posted.
I don't think I'll change my turntable now. I know the VPI arms are not the best. But for now it will have to do. Even a "simple" SME 309 is more expensive then what what I would get for my Scout if I were to sell it.

However has anyone compared a TW-Acustic Raven 0.5 to the Scout.

Maybe my idiosyncrasy but I realy like black TT, like the Michell Orbe SE, TW-Acustic Raven one/0.5, I dislike TT like Transrotor Fat Bob (to shiny) and Transrotor Leonardo (to plastic). I know it is not logical but since my audio system is highly visible in my living room.