A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Nicola, We're good. In the vernacular of Italian-Americans, "fuhgeddaboudit". Same goes for Henry, actually.
Dear Lew, Our 'teasing relationship' started with your beloved Mark Twain , the 'rumour' about his death and my slip of the tongue with guy versus gay . I then just started to write English. With Henry the case was different. I referred to his beloved Australia as 'a developing country' which caused him to refer to me as a 'little man' from a 'little country'. You was then more sportsmanlike then he was. But at present I love you both equally.

Did I really call you a "little man from a little country" Nikola?
I must have had a sense of humour in those days?! :-)

Love you too......
Lew?......not so much.....:-)
Dear Henry, Yes you deed and this is not called 'humour'
but 'belittle' in literally sense. Humouros on the other hand
was Lew's response. I wanted to make him a compliment
but made a typo: 'this Lew is a smart gay'. His answer was:
'the rumour that I am a gay is exaggerated'. He borowed
this phrase from Mark Twain who was suprised to read
in the paper that he passed away: 'the rumour that
I am death is exaggerated'. Aussie humour? You must be joking .

did you know that Copernicus merely revived an idea of the ancient Greeks about a heliocentric universe
Yes: Aristarchos the Samian. Info acquired recently thanks to my kids... Until then, Samos was an island (it still is) and produced very goodwhite wine (muscat, "AOC Samos").