A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
To be precise: "Rumors of my death are exaggerated."
Henry, I may start calling you "Hank".
To be precise: what a niggling correction. According to
Frege the same tought can be expessed in different ways.
Otherwise we would need to surpass computers in exact
repetition of the words sequence. I should not use
quotation marks however. But for the foreigners among
us; what is a Hank?

Hi All,

One of the useful sources that I have found for designing my own (experimental) floating plinth is: http://qualia.webs.com/plinthbuilding.htm.

Although obviously not the last word on the subject it has some useful suggestions that might help other explorers.

As always...
"Hank" is an apparently American nickname for someone whose given name is "Henry". Thus, the famous baseball player, Henry Aaron, is better known as "Hank Aaron". Now you mention your unfamiliarity with "Hank", I am not sure that they use it as a nickname in Oz, either. By the way, there is nothing pejorative about it. Henry/Hank is probably off somewhere with a pint of Foster's, ever since Adam Scott won the Masters. One of my Australian friends emailed to me that he was in tears over this victory, the first for an Aussie.