Regards, Halcro: On the Orsonic, prices seem to have leveled out, perhaps becoming even more affordable. Hmmm. As to the Yamamoto ebony HS, it is a wonderful match for the Signet TK7lca, as you suggested. I also find the Orto. LS-8000 Japaneese oak HS does an excellent job on cleaning up the somewhat enthusiastic bass evidenced by my TK7SU. This model has a sturdy/nonresoant brass fingerlift and is of good quality construction.
Dlaoulm: Hi, David. I'm working on a NOS Acutex LPM 415 at this time, have gone through an ADC mag. 6.5 gm headshell, Jeweltone 9.5gm, Sumiko 12gm & Yamamoto 8.5gm boxwood. This cart is extremly detailed, almost excessively so. The boxwood HS encourages a neutrality in playback that MAY have a foundation in the elimination of headshell ringing. Boundary resonance is perhaps another factor. The debate is ongoing as to wether the TA should be enabled to serve as a "sink" for draining resonance away from the cart or if these should be isolated or controled before leaving the pickup. No empirical data to support either camp here, would this be something you'd be interested in exploring? One (or several) of the wooded HS's might be a welcome addition to anyone's resources. Henry, thanks again for your encouragement.