Dynavector 20x2 High or Low Output?

I have a VPI HW-19v4 table with a 12.5 arm. I am currently using a Denon 103r with a Bob's Cinemag Step-up. I have a friend that is selling a like new 2.8mv 20X2 for $750. Should I hold out on a Low version since I have the Step-up or get the HO version and lose the Step-up? Has anyone A/B'd the Denon to the 20X2? Finally, what are your thoughts of this cartridge is it a worthy upgrade from the 103r?
You can get Dyna 20 high or low output new for a little more than $500 from Hong Kong on ebay. Some members here dealt with him without any problems. Your friend overcharges you. Low output should sound better all other things being equal, everyone says it. What is your current phono stage?
$750 is NO bargain for a slightly used Dyna 20XH - more like $450 would be a good deal.

I've owned a bunch of Denon 103s and Dyna 20X. IMO the Dyna 20X is a substantially better cart - more refined and extended response.

But,,, if you're willing to bite off $750, I think there are better carts available.
What would your recommendation at $750-1k ?

Not sure what you are using for a phonostage but quite possibly you would be better of spending the bulk of the above total upgrading there and leave $250 or so for a good quality but not insanely priced LOMC. I think the law of diminishing returns applies more strongly to the cartridge rather than the phonostage and thus you may end up with better sound going in that direction than dumping the money on a very expensive cartridge. For example, my prior setup (Whest PS.30R and Dyna XX2MKII) was nowhere near as good as my current Herron VTPH-2 and AT OC9MKII and the OC9 I got for around $200. Just a thought.