Grace F9 question

There were a bunch of Grace F9 models. Does anyone know the exact differences? Are the bodies all the same?

If someone were to get an F9E or F9L and a Soundsmith ruby stylus, would it be the same as an F9 Ruby?

Hi Mofimadness,
Thanks for your reply. The database seems to be contradictory and I'm hoping someone has specific knowledge, like original owners manuals - specs.

According to the database most of the F9 series has 3.5mV out, 1700 ohms impedance. The F9-L is listed as 5.5mV/1700 ohms. Having the same impedance suggests the same coils. It seems unlikely that the magnets would be that much stronger as to boost the output from 3.5 to 5.5mV. The F9 Gold is also listed at 5.5mV. The database doesn't have inductance.

I remember the F9 Ruby from the '80s and everyone thought the F9 series, specifically the F9-E was the same cart w/different stylus.

The original F9 Ruby had an elliptical stylus. The Sound Smith Ruby will have a line contact. I would think the SS would be a step up in performance. I have the SS Ruby cantilever/stylus installed on a ADC TRX II and have to admit, definitely was step up!
I haven't heard an original F9 Ruby, but can vouch for an F9 body in combination with SS's OCL ruby stylus aluminum holder assembly. This is a fantastic solution for <$600.