MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge

I'm embarrassed to say that after owning a ClearAudio Maestro cart for only a month, I had a mishap and damaged the stylus. It's gonna cost $600 to get it replaced. Does anyone have any better suggestions as far as a better cart for the $$, or is this the best for this price range? Also, what are the advantages to a MC cart? I'm just getting back into LP's and have not done the research. Besides, I trust your opinions more than reviews. I will have the opportunity to buy up, so now would be the time to go to a MC cart. Will I have to have a step-up transformer? My phono stage is an Audio Research PH-3 SE.
I would send it to a cartridge retipper and IF the compliance match to your arm was appropriate (and it probably shouldn't be too far off if the Maestro was suggested to you), I would buy a used MM cartridge (like the ones Raul mentioned) here on Audiogon to tide you over until it gets back. You could sell either one on when it gets back, and you would have good music until then.
Feil and Stan - You guys crack me up! I've got this image in my head of audiophiles with nunchucks. LOL!!
Cryogenically treated, 99.9999 OFC nunchucks; of course. Silver, if the user is overweight.
I guess I will get the Maestro re-tipped and use my old Shure V15 III until I get it back. I recently bought a Clearaudio Emotion TT and switch back and forth between the old PL-71 and the Emotion. The Maestro cart sounds much better than my old Shure. Unfortunately, even in Nashville, there are not many places to audition analog equipment, so I have to buy it to see if I like it. Need to drive to Atlanta maybe, but ignorance can be bliss...