"Wetting without vacuuming away the sludge just rearranges the sludge. "
True vacumming is the most common solution I suppose.
I have found that using tightly folded edges of a very soft and absorbent paper towel like a record cleaner while the record is spinning does a very good job of removing excess solution when cleaning a record.
I've been doing this with good results using my Linn Axis table now for a good 25 years or so.
I use extremely dilute Shaklee Basic H cleaner in water, distilled water is preferred if availble.
I spary the record surface down thoughourghly, place teh record on teh table, give it a good scrubbing with an old discwasher brush, drying the discwasher brush periodically as I go using another absorbent paper towel as needed.
Then I use the paper towel technique above to dry the record.
Once you develop the technique, is is inexpensive and most effective with only one pass and only takes a couple minutes per record side.
True vacumming is the most common solution I suppose.
I have found that using tightly folded edges of a very soft and absorbent paper towel like a record cleaner while the record is spinning does a very good job of removing excess solution when cleaning a record.
I've been doing this with good results using my Linn Axis table now for a good 25 years or so.
I use extremely dilute Shaklee Basic H cleaner in water, distilled water is preferred if availble.
I spary the record surface down thoughourghly, place teh record on teh table, give it a good scrubbing with an old discwasher brush, drying the discwasher brush periodically as I go using another absorbent paper towel as needed.
Then I use the paper towel technique above to dry the record.
Once you develop the technique, is is inexpensive and most effective with only one pass and only takes a couple minutes per record side.