Newly into vinyl;

I am listening to vinyl for the first time in 30 years. I have put together a nice solid-state & digital system, but just recently purchased a turntable. I found a boxed & unopened Denon DP-47f 'table from the late 80's. Turns out a serviceman purchased it in Japan & never used it. It is direct drive, but it has an exceptionally quiet motor and has manual/automatic functions. It came with the original Denon high-output MC cartridge. I am having a problem with noise, however. Unless I play a new MFSL, Simply Vinyl or other audiophile pressing, I have a lot of snap, crackle & pop between tracks. With a new record though, nothing but a totally "black" background. I have tried the old-fashioned fluid & brush cleaners, and I also bought a "Spin Clean". Neither of these methods help. I have been told that I need a VPI vacuum cleaner or similar to get rid of the noise, but I don't remember such noise from the "old days." Could there be a cause other than dirt & dust? I have purchased a Ortophon Samba low-output MC cartridge to replace the Denon, but not had it installed yet. Could the "high output" cartridge be part of the problem? My system consists of the following:

Musical Fidelity A3cr dual-mono preamp with MC/MM phono stage;
Cambridge Audio Azur 740C upsampling CD player;
Odyssey Audio Stratus Plus SS amp (150 wpc into 8 ohms)
Audioquest line conditioner;
Von Schweikert VR-4 loudspeakers;
RBH SA-200 outboard configurable subwoofer amplifier;
RBH VF12 passive subwoofer;

Any advice would be appreciated!
Now that would be real nice able to remove all noise from vinyl with just wet cleaning.
Klipschking: My point is. That it would be just dandy if we could remove all those nasty ticks,clicks and little annoying pops with a wet cleaning system. But it's in the medium, and we who enjoy vinyl should just listen through all those little annoyance's. That's my point, we live with it.
My guess is that the Denon Cartridge's Suspension is dried up . This will lead to the pronounced sounding of surface noise

Try the new Cartridge and see if the noise subsides .
Thanks Tubeo. Makes sense, as this cartridge has been boxed up for 25 years w/o use. I hope the Ortofon helps I'll keep you posted.