B+O MMC2 cartridge What line grade was it,any good

I just got a bang and olufsen beogram RX2 turntable with MMC2 cartridge from a rack about 80's vintage.How can I tell if it's original cartridge and what quality in their line is it?I listened to it and it sounds like it has potential but is struggling on that table.How do I remove it from that arm?Will it only fit that arm?Compared to my clearaudio Virtuoso wood it leaves a lot to be desired but I can hear it wants to break into 3d sound.
The MMC-2 is an excellent cartridge. I have one mounted on an SME Series III tonearm that I use with my Galibier Design Serac turntable. I purchased the acrylic adapter from Soundsmith so I can use the cartridge on non-B&O tonearms.

This particular cartridge was purchased as an upgrade for my B&O RX2 turntable that I purchased back in the late 80's. The cartridge ended up sitting in the box unused for over 20 years. I finally broke it out and couldn't believe how good it sounds. I also bought a B&O 8002 table that came with an MMC-2. I had the table restored by Soundmith. Incredible table for the money.
Thanks Siniy123 and Clio09,but what does NOS mean,I'm not quite sure,you mean original.I would like to get that adapter and hear what it sounds like on a better table but I'm taking my clearaudio off my rega.
Gabbro thanks for the info getting inside the table.I will be wanting to check this cartridge out further as what I heard sounds promising,another project.