Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery
Interesting thread, and I'd like to thank you Mr Carr for taking the time to contribute with such detailed and thoughtful replies.

Can I ask a question - can Lyra rebuild/retip their carts.
Dear Miner:

Regarding trade-in value of a new-ish Delos, I honestly don't know, as each distributor sets their own pricing for retail, trade-ins, upgrades, rebuilds etc. The dealer that you bought the Delos from is probably the best person to ask.

Regarding the next step up for you, the quick answer is the Kleos at US$2700. But 3 months with a cartridge that you say you are happy with, and then onto the next one - IMO this is too quick.

Also, compared to the Delos, the Kleos is a lower-output cartridge, which will be more demanding on your phono stage, and it puts more mechanical energy into the tonearm and damps the headshell less, which means a bigger challenge for the tonearm. I don't know what turntable, tonearm or phono stage you are using, but unless they are up to the task, it could be that the Kleos leaves you less satisfied. I recall some Helikon users who upgraded to the Titan, and for them and their audio systems it turned out to be a downgrade, while I've previously pointed out in this thread that some users prefer the Delos over the Kleos in their systems.

If I were you, I'd listen to the Delos more, probably borrow a lower-output cartridge to see how your phono preamp gets along with it, and maybe borrow a lower-compliance cartridge to see how your tonearm likes it. If any of the results suggest that there could be problems or marginal results from the Kleos in your system as it is now, I'd then look into alternative phono stages and/or tonearms which could do better. These wouldn't necessarily need to be new - something like a second-hand Graham 2.2 or Triplanar could be pretty nice.

I believe that an upgraded phono stage or tonearm could be a more effective path for you now than the Kleos, as these would give you a better foundation for performance improvements in the future, regardless of whichever phono cartridge you ultimately decided was the one for you.

It could be a result of my engineering background, but I get a lot of pleasure from figuring out how to squeeze out the absolute maximum performance that I can from my gear. Only when I'm satisfied that I've extracted pretty much everything there is to be had from a component will I think about its replacement.

I'd also suggest that you take your time. Unless you have lots of income to dispose on audio, unhurried, carefully considered decisions are likely to get you farther and give you more ultimate satisfaction (and for less outlay).

I'm not saying that you shouldn't consider a cartridge upgrade, but hopefully I've shown that there are other issues and options that you may want to think about first.

kind regards, jonathan carr
Good points Mr. Carr and I appreciate your honesty. I have nothing too elaborate - a Rega P9 TT (RB1000 arm) and I use the MC phono stage in my McIntosh C2300 preamp which has adjustable loading of 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 ohms by use of remote from listening position. Currently I am using 100 ohm loading with my Delos.
Another thanks for the insightful input from J Carr despite the negativity from some in this thread.
Mr. Carr - I am DELIGHTED with my LYRA Dorian cartridge and with your superb technical support.

My Dorian is now 5 years old and presently back in Japan for a "tune-up" as my washi-paper got dirty and I felt it needed replacing.
It literally has been a joy and so cost effective from a phono cart mfr that absolutely stands behind its product like no other - period!
I have a VERY early Dorian (0098) which I purchased brand new as a "leap of faith" on the recommendation from Frank Schroder for my then brand new Model 2 tonearm. What a bargain!!
Over the years the Dorian has climbed in price a bit and I WISH I could afford the new Delos but my Dorian just keeps on chugging along and certainly competes with much more expensive carts.
Lastly, the "stylus guard" is a sheer work of genius and perfection! It is so easy to use, robust and effective.
It truly could teach a lesson all by itself to other MC cartridge mfrs! I'm a LYRA MC cart addict!!