My wifes birthday present - a turntable


Hope you are all well :)

I crossed 50 years two weeks ago and I received a birthday present from my wife beyond dreams - a Brinkmann LaGrange!

I will receive the turntable over the week end. Its early days so I have to look for tonearms. This is a two arm version, so I wonder if I should buy a reasoanble arm first - and go for the ultimate one when I have the money.

Ortofon has some nice tonearms for approx. USD 2K in Norway. The arm of the dreams would be Graham Phantom II. How do you think this arm will suit the Brinkmann?

I have ordered the wall mounted stand, but Brinkmann also reccommend to use an silotaion base underneath the table. I have been reccommended the M3X Isolation Base from HRS. Any experiences?

I will keep you updated. A new era has begun :)

Cheeers and thanks, Toffen
Does she have a twin sister?Sounds like you have a great wife, hopefully she will listen with you. The fifties are great, happy birthday. Scott
Yu are trice blessed.

1) It seems your wife cares about your hobbies
2) Your wife actually knows what a good TT is
3) Your are rich enough to afford a Brinkmann LaGrange.
Watch out, there seems to be serious mental instability in your household that will place both of you in the poor house. Enjoy.


She bought it second hand from London, and everything looks just fine. At the moment you can get great deals on craiglist over there. Amazing really.

So the next move is the tonearm, riaa and pickup. I think I have to buy these :)

Any experiences with Ortofon or Graham Phantom II for this turntable?

Rest of my equipment are Burmester amp, Burmester 061 cd player, Revox B77Mk2 reel to reel player and Wilson Sophia 2 speakers.

Cheeers and thanks to all,
