RCM recommendations

currently I use separate disk doctor brushes with Audio Intelligent enzyme and super cleaning fluids to scrub the LP's. I then run the LP through a Spin Clean Record Washer and dry the disks with multiple micro-fibre cloths.

I like the idea of doing the clean with a cleaner fluid then doing a distilled water rinse, then vacuum with the machine. What is the best way to go ?

Clearaudio, VPI or other ? Thank in advance.
are the more expensive VPI models like the VPI HW-17I worth the extra coin ? I guess with the 16.5 you manually scrub your records versus it being automatic with the HW-17I ?
A while back I did an experiment with the help of a friend. I have a VPI 16.5 and he has a PRC3 Loricraft. I first cleaned a group of records on my VPI and then hauled my cleaning supplies with the records to his place. We first listened to the records on his system and then re-cleaned on the Loricraft. There was a consistent improvement in sound after the Loricraft cleaning. To verify that it wasn’t multiple cleanings that was responsible for the improvements we heard, I returned home, listened to the 1st disc and then re-cleaned on the VPI. The sound went backwards. I stopped at that point. I think the root of the problem with the VPI it leaves a residue of fluid in the groove that you can hear. The conclusion is while the VPI is cheaper, the Loricraft will do a better job of cleaning. You have to descide which is more important to you.
Wow, the Loricraft is quite the step up.

Were you using the same cleaning fluid formula's for both machines when doing the comparo ? Is it just a matter of the loricraft vacuming off the solution better ?
yes the Loricraft is quite a step up, no question about it.
I have the same PRC3 machine and can only ask you, are your records worth it?
First used Disc Doctor and now use Walker, both are very good in my opinion, have not used any others so cannot fairly give a view on them.
There will always be better as well as worse, what works for you ultimately is what;s important.