PsAudio 300?

From everthing that I have read; this sounds like one piece of very exciting equipment. Anybody out there have experience with this baby? The feedback I got from my Ps Audio UO post is not motivating me to go that way, but this, if found used, may do it for me. Show me the light! Please, first hand experience only. Thanks
Try this link,
Scroll down a little over half way,two lines above:
Want more proof.

"Only the Power Plant,which uses AC regeneration can completely eliminate all noise and harmonics,repair clipped AC wave forms,regulate the voltage and provide a fully balanced AC signal to your equipment."
thats one of the big reason I did not go thru the trouble of demoing the Power Director...a lot of non descript sometimes conflicting info. I'm sure the 300 does a good job, but am happy with the Cinepro (or any other quality product of it's like).
My experience with PP Audio 300 Power plant is this; when using a tube pre-amp I had lots of noise (hum though the speakers). I never had any problems with fan noise . After swicthing to a solid state pre-amp totally dead quiet.