Krell KCT vs Mark Levinson 380 S

I was wondering which preamp has the best sound stage and transparency and capable of the full dynamic range. I will be running a KSA 200 and if the Krell KCT is the one will not be running the CAST.
If you folks can kindly let me know the best direction to go I would appriciate it.
I've owned both Levinson and Krell amps and pre-amps. I agree with Lev335, particularly about the "row". The Levinson is a more laid back sound. It's particularly convincing for vocals, jazz, and chamber music. It can depend on your speakers--if they are laid back and you want to get a more forward sound, you might choose the Krell. I've personally found that very forward sound (from electronics-as opposed to speakers) a little harsh and sometimes fatiguing to listen to at lengths. As to customer support, I've had service from both and both were excellent--what you should expect from excellent high end manufacturers.
i would take the conrad premier series preamps. it will offer better sound stage than either preamp . it will smooth out the krell also.
I haven't listened to either preamp, but do use the Krell KRC-HR which I love. It is paired with big Krell amps and big B&W speakers. The sound is truly breathtaking.
I do have two important points to make:

1. I have found Krell service to be exceptionally GREAT!
2. I would talk with Krell about using a tube preamp with their amps, as it is possible to cause problems.

If you are bying new, go to a dealer and try them out. Here in San Francisco, we have a dealer that carries both. If you live elsewhere and you don't have such a dealer, you might call them (San Francisco Stereo).
Good luck,