VPI Scoutmaster Tonearms

Hello All

Just curious I have a Scoutmaster with a 9 signature arm. Could I just switch out other arms that are complete or would I have to change the location where it is mounted. Was thinking about upgrading arm but do not want to drill.

Thanks and Good Listening
Thanks for the replies. Was thinking about going with a longer arm. Will check vinyl engine out.

Good Listening
I went from a VPI 9 inch Valhalla to the 10.5 with Valhalla...There was not an aural difference that I remember ...if there was one, it was very hard to find....not worth the time or money.

I read your response that the 10.5 arm didn't give you that much difference over the 9. I have the 9 signature with vahalla wiring and inquired to VPI about going to the 10.5i to which they said there would be around a 20% benefit in sound.
Would this be the opposite of what you experienced?My arm is on a Superscoutmaster. Thanks in advance.
Hi Moonguy....When I did the change I didn't think it was 20% better...I thought it was less. I think they both can accomodate the best cartridges made..... in my view,a cartridge upgrade if needed is money better spent. I have a Benz LPS which I think is absolutely wonderful. You will need a different rear weight if you intend to mount the LPS..Let VPI know your intentions and they will work out the weight you need.
If you would like to use a longer arm it may be easier to use an arm that will mount on the surface of the plinth. Even so it may require careful study to find an arm that is compatible. If it is still listed in the turntable sales section you should look at the custom made Panzer holz "Aries" plinth. A plinth like that could easily be used with a greater number of tonearms.