Ortofon A90 broken stylus

So the long and short. I purchased one of the 1st A90 carts to come up for sale on Agon. This was about 10 months ago, was in great condition, all factory packing, box etc. Then in Feb. I put on a disk and let down the the arm - the cart just slid across the record - OS batman - as looked at the A 90 - no stylus, it had broken off at the body. Nothing was left. Called for help and got a hold of Louis - Ortofon in Ossining NY. He said to send it in and he would send this to Denmark for review and probably would have to pay 50% to rebuild. So I have been waiting for the past months and a box comes from Ortofon. I opened and here was my A 90 - all rebuilt and a packing slip - Warranty, fully rebuilt. Thank you Ortofon!!!!
Wrm57 - good info, I had my VTA too high - reduced to almost level and this helped. I am toggling back and forth between 50 and 100 ohms - yes this is a great cartridge.

My Ortofon A90 is broken and probably I need to make a rebuild. Any experience with soundsmith rebuild for the Ortofon A90 ?

HBA...if you let Soundsmith rebuild it, it isn't an A90 anymore. When you sell it you really should let it be known.
Thank you for your reply....For sure I know that and I will probably rebuild directly with Ortofon, however, I would like to have some information about how it sounds...as soundsmith is very well known by their terrific job
Thank you for your reply....For sure I know that and I will probably rebuild directly with Ortofon, however, I would like to have some information about how it sounds...as soundsmith is very well known by their terrific job