Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?

I am thinking of getting a phonostage and is looking at ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 solid state unit, BAT VK P-10SE with super pack, and Allnic H3000. I have never heard any of these units and would like to hear your opinion on solid state phono stage vs tube phonostage. And also your opinion on these units that I am looking at.
Tube phono pres are just as "bass tight" as solid state, that is a misconception. A preamp is not the same as an amp driving speakers. The ouput impedance characterstics are very different.
Hi,Dhcod hit it right on the head.The SS phono will whip the tube unit in specs and noise but in the real world application most prefer the sound of tubes,noise and all.
The Denon DL-S1 is a killer cartridge and a great value

Agreed Bill. the better the phono stage, the better the Denon DL-S1 will perform
I can't imagine any phone stage as overkill in any system. I think a lot of products, including cartridges, get a bad review, rating, first impression, etc., because of compromises in the system when the system owner has decided that product X is "good enough" for product Y.

It takes a lot of trial and error to find line stages and phono stages out there that excel in the 3D as Dhcod describes. I have heard no SS products come even close to the great tube products in this regard. I have also heard tube products that have stunning dynamics. The CAT immediately comes to mind, as does the Aria WV5 that I use.
Dear Almandog: As you can read each one has its own take, this is mine.

The Denon DLS1 is IMHO a way way better cartridge quality performer than your Dyna's. To be in the same league than the DLS1 you need something like the Dyna XV-1s.

So, I think that you need a phonoline stage that can " honor " the DLS1 quality and that has very high gain ( with out SUT that degrade the cartridge signal. ) with no-noise due that the Denon is very low output.

What to choose about depends on your main audio/music targets/priorities.
If what you are looking is to hear what's in the recording then you need IMHO a phonolinestage that be: neutral/accurate, IMHO there is no other way.
If what you are looking is that " soundstage, false 3D ( that does not came in the recording. ), colored sound " then your choice must be different.

In the first case the choice is a good SS design ( not that ASR. ) and maybe one or two good tube designs that IMHO are not any one you name it.

In the second case you can choose almost anything: tube or SS.

There are several factors that could tell us that for that DLS1 a good SS design is the way to go but in the other side I know that are persons that think in a different way.
I think, as I said, that you need to choose according with your targets.
Now, an investement in an audio item like this one you want to do needs that in some way you try to hear ( the preference in your system. ) different phonolinepreamps where you can near sure what goes with what you are looking for because if you buy at " random " then maybe in six months you will be looking for a new unit.

Regards and enjoy the music,