Who rebuilds Dynavector Tonearms?

I recently bought a DV 501 tonearm, and it has some play in the horizontal bearing. I don't know how close this tolerance is supposed to be, no play, some play? If someone knows about these tonearms, I sure would appreciate some information. Info as to who rebuilds these would be appreciated, too.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Islandman, that may be normal. If you look at the arm while you are lifting it, where is it pivoting? If it is pivoting at a point below and to the rear of the actual horizontal bearing, that is normal.
Hello Marty, Lew, all,

I want to report I was able to adjust the slack out of the main bearing, it now feels perfect in its rotation, with no slack in the main bearing, as before.

Thanks Guys,
Dan, If you have any questions about your arm try Audiocircle.
Mike Pranka is the Dynavector rep and has a circle under Well Tempered. He is always quite helpful.
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