VPI Classic---replacing stock feet: my experience

Anyone considering using heavy brass footers to replace the stock feet on their VPI Classic may want to think twice. After reading about this being a "major upgrade", I tried it. Well, not only did it not make any sonic improvement (whatever that was supposed to be), but the brass footers had the effect of amplifying the sound of the turntable's motor. A constant and distressing low, pulsating hum was introduced just below the music, and it was particularly obvious during quiet passages. Any anticipated sonic improvement, had it manifested, inevitably would have been rendered useless by this motor hum. My VPI Classic sits on a Mapleshade component rack with 2" maple shelves, with nothing between the footers and the top shelf, so YMMV.
I have a Superscoutmaster/rim drive, and the addition of Bearpaws was a MAJOR step up. Increased ease, low bass, clean and clear mids, and sweet highs, increased depth and focus. I've heard the same when used on all VPI tables. Why YOU are getting something less is a puzzlement. If they are indeed Bearpaws, get in touch with (I forgot his name now), and he will fix the problem. I am really sold on Bearpaws...and never heard them do anything but improve the table.
might be the type of bear paws your using? There are a couple of different versions of bear paws. I tried black bear paws and found them to be slightly inferior to the Grisly paws I am using now.I since went the upgrade route using Polar bear paws.Now I am set. Also hear there is a pander bear version but not tried.
Stringreen, you are absolutely right about the Bear Paws. Just replaced the feet on my Super Scoutmaster Reference Rimdrive with them- very impressive. Improved depth, imaging, bass, soundstage. A very worthwhile investment. I also changed the superplatter to the Classic platter. This also made an improvement. Super Platter gives a darker sound. Midbass is improved, as is overall presentation.
I've also replaced my Classic's stock feet with Eden Sound Bearpaws and never looked back. I actually didn't notice that much of an improvement in bass, which was pretty good in my system already, but noticed a significant improvement in high frequencies, resolution and overall detail. I definitely have NOT experienced any hum after I put in the brass footers. My Classic sits on a 3-inch maple butcher's block and Mapleshade Isoblocks. I'd look elsewhere for the cause of the hum.
Replaced the stock cones on my SSC with the Eden Sound terra stone cones which are quite a step up from the bear paws, significant improvement bottom to top end, well worth it!!!