Garrard 301 and Graham Phantom or Vintage Arm

I am upgrading from a VPI Aries to a Garrard 301 with a Steve Dobbins plinth. I have a Graham Phantom with Shelter 501 stereo and a Sheleter Mono 501 on an extra arm wand. Some of the dealers I've contacted have recommended that I look into a new arm....Ikeda 407 with Miyajima or an EMT arm & cartridge. I would love to try this and move my Graham / shelter to my office system (overkill), but this is quite expensive. Im contemplating this move largely because i rarely see folks use Graham on a Garrard...does this combo lack synergy? Does the Garrard have greater synergy with vintage arms?
Don't overlook the Schick. It combines the vintage arm advantages with those of a modern arm.
I agree with Salectric. I am running a Schick Stick with Koetsu Urushi on my soapstone plinthed 301 and the combo sounds fantastic.
I agree with Salectric as well, the Schick is a wonderful tonearm especially with the Miyajima cartridges.