Garrard 301 and Graham Phantom or Vintage Arm

I am upgrading from a VPI Aries to a Garrard 301 with a Steve Dobbins plinth. I have a Graham Phantom with Shelter 501 stereo and a Sheleter Mono 501 on an extra arm wand. Some of the dealers I've contacted have recommended that I look into a new arm....Ikeda 407 with Miyajima or an EMT arm & cartridge. I would love to try this and move my Graham / shelter to my office system (overkill), but this is quite expensive. Im contemplating this move largely because i rarely see folks use Graham on a Garrard...does this combo lack synergy? Does the Garrard have greater synergy with vintage arms?
Thanks for you post...hmmm I wonder if that Ortofon on my Graham would work well on my Garrard...i might end up getting two arm boards
Don't overlook the Schick. It combines the vintage arm advantages with those of a modern arm.
I agree with Salectric. I am running a Schick Stick with Koetsu Urushi on my soapstone plinthed 301 and the combo sounds fantastic.
I agree with Salectric as well, the Schick is a wonderful tonearm especially with the Miyajima cartridges.