Stringreen wrote: "Soundsmith will do a great job, but the cartridge you get back is not going to be the same. If you like your cartridge as well as you say you do, have Clearaudio repair it."
I have wondered for some time why so many cartridges for sale on Audiogon are listed as "just retipped by Soundsmith."
Genuinely, the last thing I want to do is talk down someone who provides audiophiles with a valuable service, which Soundsmith definitely does. Having said that, can any of you comment on the sound characteristics of a re-tip, how it sounds different from the original, other than the obvious observation that the materials are not as originally designed, engineered and produced? Is one retip best suited to a particular cartridge, or type of cartridge?
I ask because I have a Dynavector 20XL on which I bent and twisted the cantilever. If I want to use this cartridge, am I better off sending it to Dynavector or Soundsmith?
If I'm putting anyone in an awkward position with this question, I apologize in advance. My question stems from the inevitable ignorance of being new to the pursuit of high end vinyl.
Thanks very much,