The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....

.... survived the test of time with flying colors.

Would like to know your mind about what MM and MI cartridges did really survive in our memory and were able to hold their sonic standard against all fashions.
I found the Sound Smith CL rebuild for the Virtuoso wood to be vastly superior to the stock version. Ive had both in my system for extended listening and never found the original aluminum cantilever romantic sounding. The retip retains the CA house sound but with greater detail and tighter bass. This is of course in my system, Im sure differences heard reflect phono pre etc. Ive owned several of the previously mentioned MM's and would say the SS virtuoso is my favorite so far although I still prefer a couple of my MC's overall.
OK. Here's a vote for the Pickering XSVs. I've got both a 3000 and a 5000. Stanton 981LZS is my fave of the Pickering/Stanton group.