03-16-15: Banquo363
One thing for certain is I don't know the first thing about motor oils. Here is what is available from Redline (from their website) as far as their race oils go:
20WT Race Oil (5W20)
30WT Race Oil (10W30)
40WT Race Oil (15W40)
50WT Race Oil (15W50)
And here is what RP offers in their XPR line (the line Doron recmmended to me):
XPR 3.1 0W-5
XPR 0W-10
XPR 5W-20
XPR 5W-30
XPR 10W-40
XPR 20W-50
@ the Redline, RP guys on this thread (Banquo, Doron, Lewm, others...)
Re: the bearing well lubricant discussions...
Recently read the synthetic fluid postings here. Found it ironic as my son just bought a used sports car and sent me a bunch of url's to review. they discuss RP and RL as well.
like this one
ok, nothing to do with this thread, but the similarities are striking. These guys changing out mineral fluids for synthetic in the gearboxes; sort of like you guys with the thrust pad wells ? Anyway you guys reminded me of them.
For SP10MKII owners with worn out thrust pad wells.
You can get some here
Happy listening