Hi Mike,
I will be getting a TT as well in the near future, having abandoned anolog once the cd came in years ago.I can say my TT back in the day was nothing speacial, a Thornes td 350.
I have heard what a good TT sounds like and think it out rates digital ,imho.I started buying records a few months ago to have a collection when I do get a TT.
I would say even if you have no records , take the leap. I did hear a the new Oracle Paris TT which comes with it's own phono stage, arm and cartridge that already come set up from the factory. I heard this at the recent Taves show in Toronto and had a chace to talk to the owner of the company as well. You can use the Delphi 6 power supply on the Paris as well to upgrade the power supply from the satandard one which comes with the Paris.
There are many great TT's out there. This is just a suggestion.
I will be getting a TT as well in the near future, having abandoned anolog once the cd came in years ago.I can say my TT back in the day was nothing speacial, a Thornes td 350.
I have heard what a good TT sounds like and think it out rates digital ,imho.I started buying records a few months ago to have a collection when I do get a TT.
I would say even if you have no records , take the leap. I did hear a the new Oracle Paris TT which comes with it's own phono stage, arm and cartridge that already come set up from the factory. I heard this at the recent Taves show in Toronto and had a chace to talk to the owner of the company as well. You can use the Delphi 6 power supply on the Paris as well to upgrade the power supply from the satandard one which comes with the Paris.
There are many great TT's out there. This is just a suggestion.