How a nickel can make a valuable improvement

I have a very slight out of level floor. When I replaced my VPI feet with the Eden Sound Bear Paws the right side of my Super Scoutmaster needed to be raised very slightly to be dead on level while keeping the Bear Paws tight to the bottom of the table. I used a nickel coin under each brass point on the right side of the table. This levelled it out perfectly and worked like a charm! The table sits solid and turntable and platter are exactly level for better focus and soundstage.
Monticello's main entrance- everyone inside should be able to hear the music. Stringreen, I decided to splurge and spend this enormous amount of money to keep the Paws tight up against the bottom of the table.
11-27-11: Mceljo
What year did you choose for the nickels? If I remember correctly, extensive blind test were performed and coins from 1957 have the best sonics.

Ahh yes, '57 was a very good year!!!!!
I agree about the Paws (or whatever your using for feet) should be tight up against the table, IMO. I leveled my turntable platform instead. Use fender washers or something in between the feet and table if you must use the feet for leveling, but keep the feet tight.