VPi HW 19 jr upgrade

I have a the above table with MKII platter, Audioquest arm and Grado Sonata. With the multitude of used VPI tables, platters and factory supplied upgrades whats my best sub $1,000 route?
Interesting thing is most VPIs and other manufactures tend to go unsprung these days in this price range and above verses the MKII +++ type of layout. My HW JR has the sorbathane pucks. I'd like advice from from experienced VPI owners. What route should I go with the table and or should I get a different arm? Thanks,
Better check with VPI on this, as I believe the one piece MK-IV Plinth does not have provision for a seperate Armboard.

Hypothetically, you could attach just the Steel Sub-Chassis Sheet to the underside of a Junior Plinth. What you would most likely find, is a Plinth that then sits a bit too high within the base, and it would mean using less tall Plinth Suspenion components of some sort.

All VPI did, was attach the Steel Sheet to main Plinth with Silicone RTV Sealant.

I see my other informative post, albeit a bit long, did not make this thread. Typical of practices here where you post at the mod's discretion.
I read somewhere that replacing the sorbathane pucks with cones, making the jr a non-suspended table improved this table. I have a jr and intended to experiment, but never got around to it. I would definitely recommend replacing the feet with cones.
Certainly getting rid of the rubber feet is the next and quick
change. Looked at the Audiopoints and Dan's site, Eden Audio. Nice prices there and sent him an email.
I like the maple base idea too and butcher block verses audiophile base.
BTW, I initially installed the VPI/Jelco adjustable VTA base for the arm. It came with the table. What a POS..Unstable, poorly designed and didn't work to boot. Have that around here somewhere.
Ssurbaugh If you want a pic of what my VPI looks like with Edensound feet and Maple base, send me your email address and I'll respond. BTW, just a customer, I have no financial interest with any vendors I mentioned.