soundsmith retip shelter 301?

is there a sound difference going the retip route? what are peoples experience?
I think that expression 'retip' is an misnomer if it does
not refer to the stylus exchange only. All cart producers
and retip services get from their supliers the complete cantilever/stylus combos. Those are than 'glued' in the tube with the 'bobbin' ( the coil on the 'iron' on some other plate). So when one get some 'exotic' cantilever with some exotic stylus combo by some retip service this may mean 'easy money' for the supplier. Peter from Soundsmith
already stated that the stylus exchange only is much more
difficult. The same info I got from a Dutch retip service.

Yes, we should absolutely be clear about whether we are referring to retip or rebuild services. SoundSmith offers both.
I have to go with Stringreen on this one at least in my case. I retipped a Lyra Helikon. I sounded good but it wasn't a Helikon anymore. Certain things are just different and I imagine it's not the same with all cartridges but you have to be aware that it's not like buying a new Benz, or even like buying a used one. need to on your first post, and as for the second. If the stylus needs relacement, the suspension system does too.
Dear Stringreen, 'if the stylus needs replacement, the suspension system does to'. Will you care to elaborate on this proposition? I am not able to 'see' any causal relationship. Besides the complexity of the repair will obviously increase as will the possibility to go wrong. Ie one get some other stylus as well as suspension. If we add the cantilever then we have 3 variables.
