Anti Skating adjustment

Hi, I was reading a response to a thread concerning anti skating adjustment. I was hoping someone could give me some advise. I just recently purchased a retipped Monster Cable Genesis 1000MkII while I send my Sigmas Genesis 2000MkII for a new stylus. Anyway, when lowering the new cartridge down on a protractor the cantilever deflects left. I have checked and recheck table balance and azimuth in the horizontal plane. All appears ok. The antiskating seems not to affect the deflection while lowering the cartridge onto the protractor. I have adjust antiskating with the Cardas "balancing plateau" track as well as a Hi Fi News test record. The antiskating adjustment does impact the tonearm movement when rotating a record but not when just lowering the cartridge onto the protractor. When lowering onto a record the deflection is still there but less noticable.
The retipping appears to maybe have affected the compliance of the cartridge. My turntable is an extensively modified AR ES-1 with all of George Merrill mods with an delrin/acrylic clamp and aluminum periphery ring, the tonearm is an Audioquest PT-9.
I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone involved with this thread.

Because of the controversy I revisited my AS setup on my SME V and am very glad that I did! As others have stated, your ear and taste is the final arbiter.

For the last few hours I've been fiddling with my VTF, AS and the damper on the SME V and am more than pleased with the results! A good afternoon's work with my reference vinyl!

Cheers from sunny London!

I would email Audiofool and get his opinion...he knows what is the best thing for everyone.
Not true soundsreally.

But I know a lot more than you.

So anytime you want to go one on one for cash anything analog, you let me know. You don't have the balls.

But if you decide to play, bring your checkbook.