Analog system under 500 palyer and phono pre-amp

I have 30 albums from the late 80's and don't want to part with.

I am kean to building a CD collection over vinyl; however, would like to use existing vinyl collection and may even build a bigger vinvyl library.

My concerns are cost and setup time. I have an exisiting Technices direct drive turntable which is 20+ yrs. old still works... I am thinking it's okay to keep and just get a phono pre-amp?

Any recommendations for phono pres under 500? My existing system consists of Mccormack DNA-1 and herron vtsp1A pre.
I replaced the original cartridge @ 10yrs ago, I currently have an Audio Technica 440ML/OCC cartridge installed. I presume it's a MM cart. The player is a SL D205 which seems operable with built in RCA connects.

I 've seen 3 PS GCPH for sale, but in the >600.
With the built in interconnects, I wouldn't bother spending more than $200. I'd just spend $99 and get the MF V-LPS new. It's been on sale at needle doctor, audio advisor, and even Amazon. Check out Stereophile's review.