Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?

I have assembled a great 2 channel system (Verity Parsifal Ovations, Luxman 509u integrated & D-06 cdp), and it is time to add analogue for vinyl 50's & 60's jazz, chamber music, solo piano etc. The 509u has a good phono stage, and so I need a TT, arm, and cart.

A couple of options available locally are the Nottingham Analogue Ace Spacedeck (or the similar Space 294)and their respective NA arms, the Wilson Benesch Full Circle (complete with arm and cart), the Avid Diva II (and Volvere), and Thorens.

The Nottingham and WB turntables have a certain appeal at a similar price, and I was wondering what you would advise for someone getting back into analogue?
I would agree with the description offered by Inna for the Nottingham. I have a spacedeck with the newest arm and an odd but great bearing and like it a lot. I was really surprised by benefit of the heavy kit. I also upgraded the base it sits on with a Silent Running Audio base that was designed specifically for this TT. So, a lot of options for growth if you see fit.
Another happy Nottingham owner. I originally bought the 294 with heavy kit and have since upgraded to the Ana-log. As mentioned, the Notts are not the table for those looking for extreme neutrality. They have a romantic sound that is slightly dark. Some like the Nott tonearms and some don't. I use the spacearm with a mono cartridge in a dual tonearm configuration. My primary stereo tonearm is a SME 312 which I prefer. I think Notts are extremely well built, musical and provide good value.
Many thanks for the helpful and informative replies. It is noteworthy that the first 3 are from happy Nottingham owners!

Aside from Nottingham and WB, would you consider Avid or Thorens (td-350) in the same league as the NA or WB?
Another Nott head chiming in. My sonic evalution of my Hyperspace pretty much fits the descriptions already given in this thread. I mate it with a Basis Vector 1 arm and Transfiquration Temper Supreme cartridge. The addition of the Wave Mechanic speed control was a must for my area.
Yes, Wave Mechanic motor controller can make a big difference. I don't have it yet. One can get it directly from the UK with no or insignificant customs fees;
For myself I would see no reason to consider anything else within this price range. Nottingham Spacedeck has been around for over 30 years and has a cult following.
If you go much higher, say, $10k for new table/arm, then yes I would listen to a few including Fletcher Audio Omega 5 table with Zero arm which were the latest creations of Tom Fletcher, the designer of Nottingham, though I am not sure it is sold in the US.