Getting a new table what pre-amp to get

Thinking about Clearaudio with MM cart. Wondering what pre-amp to get. If I do get the C.A. my budget would be much less for pre-amp. Should I spend the money more wisely and maybe get a Rega RP1 and an equal pre-amp or get the better table and upgrade later.

Creek Evo amp
EPOS ELS8 speakers
It depends on whether this will be your last purchase in your vinyl quest. If so, then Inna's recommendation is a good one. If you are intending to upgrade in the future, then pick the one item you are not likely to upgrade, and get the best you can for that item.
For a phono stage, I'd just pick up a Musical Fidelity V-LPS for now. I think they're $99 right now, and they sound pretty good (search for the review at stereophile). You could always get one of the Creek OBH-8SE used, but I actually like the V-LPS better. It should last you a while (it's working for me).
>>12-06-11: Rccc
Id say get a competent table and the best cart and pre you can afford<<

Rccc is both right and wrong here.

Buy the best table/tonearm you can afford and upgrade the cartridge later.

A good table/tonearm and average cartridge will outperform an average table/tonearm and good cartridge every time.

Buy as much pre as you can afford as well. Its' importance equals, perhaps surpasses, the table/tonearm.
Thanks for the all the advice. The V-LPS seems like a perfect solution and maybe get a Sutherland for an upgrade at a later date. I just love the looks and quality of construction of the Clearaudio. My major upgrade coming next year would be speakers over anything but thats for another day.
OK let me give this example. I put a CA Stradivari on my Cosmos IV/SME V it sounds great, I mount the same cart on my Technics 1700 mk 2 it still sounds great just not quite as great. I mount a Digitrac 300 se (medium quality technics) on both tables same difference. The 1700 with the Strad sounds significantly better than the Cosmos with the Digitrac. The 1700 /Strad combo is substantially less costly but sounds better in direct comparison. The better the pre the more you will get out of the cart. That is why I would upgrade the table last. Ive done this comparison with several table, cart, pre combos, always the same outcome.