Lenco and Garrard external ac power supply

Been thinking about this recently...Does it even make sense to try to find someone willing to build a power supply for turntables such as the Lenco L75 or Garrard 301 when they were made to just be plugged directly into the wall ac in the first place??

Loricroft makes ones for the 301 that convert ac to dc then back to "perfect" ac again which is what something like a Pure Power ac line conditioner/regenerator does. The neat thing about the Loricroft is that you can apparently adjust the 301's speed with it. It would be trick to find something like that for a Lenco 75 that was not so expensive.

PS audio used to make some big line re-conditioners that did the same sort of thing I think back in the day but I don't know if they are making the same equipmnet still. Furman and a couple others I think do similar things also.

What would be neat would be to find a ac regenerator that you could use to control the speed of either a 301, 401 or Lenco 75. Since they are all AC and can run at 110 or 220 volts maybe its possible, I don;t know but I know the Loricroft controller is way way expensive is it really worth $4000 bucks?? Thats almost as much as a restored 301 or top Lenco....geesh

Maybe you could just save the 4000 bucks and build one??/ Could it really be that tough?..
You can get good used deals on the original PS-300's from PS Audio. They were one of the first regenerators and will do the trick. At one time I bought a deluxe motor controller from Walker Audio and after conducting A/B listening tests could not hear the difference with the TT plugged into the PS Audio or the Walker.

I currently have a Nottingham Ana-log with its own stand-alone motor controller. Again, I did A/B testing with the PS Audio and could not hear a difference. Maybe I lucked out and have decent power that does not need much conditioning.
I'll add that I owned a PurePower 2000 re-generator for a year or so. It's supposed to put out a constant 120v at 60 hz. It made no difference to my Reference Lenco motor at all.
Would not contact that nantais guy in any case, heard too many stories about his blatant arrogance and questionable customer service.

Maybe a used PS Audio power plant of some sort would be the ticket, its worth a try in any event.
I found him great to work with, very cooperative and service-minded. Did gorgeous woodwork on my turntable, too.
A PS Audio P300 doesn't do a thing for a Lenco either (had one, plugged the Lenco into it, no real difference). Too many negative stories about Jean? I've known him for almost a decade. and, yeah, he's opinionated and can come off as arrogant. I'd steer clear of him if I were you :-)