Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?

I know a lot of hi-fi enthusiasts who seem to have poor taste in music but can talk all day about their audio gear. I got into the high end audio hobby because of my love for music first and foremost, and this has done a pretty good job in guiding my decisions around what equipment to buy. Don't get me wrong, I Jones really hard on gear, but at the end of the day it's not about the gear but how great the music I love sounds on the gear I buy. I study music and learn all I can to discover new music to enjoy, regardless of the genre, but I am certain that I will not be investing in the latest Jennifer Warnes vinyl re-issues. I also wonder why Mo-Fi issued the first three Foreigner albums on vinyl. Are there really that many hard core audiophiles asking for this? There are so many great recordings that are begging for the high end vinyl treatment, it makes me wonder who these people are making decisions about what to release on these labels? I'm sure the entire Don Henley catalog is coming soon from one of these labels.
OK, I'm done ranting, but I really do want to hear what others think about this. Or is it just me? Is it about the gear or is it about the music for you?
Merry Christmas to you too Rok2id.

Hi Sean

As far as the room goes, many will work depending on the type of music. I personally feel the room comes more into play with larger scale music which generally require larger rooms and appropriately larger more costly speakers, at least in my experience. Many speakers require room and space with careful placement to realize their potential, the more transparent and open the sound the more this comes into play. A dedicated large room offers greater options for placement which can be quite critical in optimizing the system and justifying the cost, most rooms give in to compromise and this is the real point. Certainly many speakers are designed with smaller rooms in mind and those that are highly efficient can work well with low powered amplifiers that need not be expensive to give excellent, realistic sound but generally they don't fare well with large scale music as far as I'm concerned. It is the reason i have been with the same speakers for the past 10 years, feeling any meaningful improvement will only come by a different room and being otherwise quite satisfied by their presentation across the board in my space. Yes, the sound might be improved somewhat by better electronics but at this point, in my case having tried many, the diminishing returns aren't worth the expenditure. At some point you hit a wall unless you have broader options. What drew me into this hobby in the first place is the joy of listening to large scale acoustical music with a natural presentation. It is a progressive road because the divide between the real thing and reproduced is quite wide.

I expect that there are more than a few serious music lovers/audiophiles that are into this large scale orchestral music to warrant the expenditure for a room. For a good midrange presentation in a smaller space and the intimate lifelike sound that many like, it can be done relatively inexpensively but a realistic, dynamic presentation of large scale is always going to be compromised in a small space due to too many limitations.
The better the hifi the better the music sounds. Better does not mean ultra high dollar gear. Better IMO means sound thats easy to listen to for hours on end. Sound that gets your feet taping sound that can give you the chills. Sound that puts a smile on my face. My quest for that has meant a lot of trial and error with gear.

My love for the sound of music has been a part of my life for decades. I dont skip many days in front of my system listening to lp after lp. Theres just about no better joy in life than to be able to sub live music with gear delivered music that satisfies the ears.

Vinyl my listening source of choice is elusive at times so i do enjoy the hands on part of vinyl playback which is another question that could be added.

Merry Christmas to you all.

I agree that if you're into large scale music a large room is the way to go. I also agree that it is worth the investment. I'm just saying that if it's not in your budget or there is no possiblity for expansion it's not the end of the world.

As for knowing when to stop upgrading and just enjoy the music that will be different for everyone. I personally am quite happy with my system and have had my current speakers for almost 4 years. I have no desire to change anything downstream of my turntable. I also don't really need to change anything in my vinyl setup but I am not done exploring what is possible with analog.

12-23-11: Kevvwill: "I once did a "random" play on my portable, and listed the first 30 songs that came up. People thought I was kidding! It was everything from Haydn's "Nelson" mass to Faiz Ali Faiz (amazing qawwal, next Nusrat Ali Khan), the Minutemen, Olivia Newton-John, Melt-Banana, Sinatra, Wu-Tang, Peter Brotzmann etc, etc."

I love your musical choices, particularly Melt Banana and Peter Brotzmann. Was it "Machine Gun"?

Yes, you can have both, music and hi-fi... and fun! :)

I can completely enjoy good music when it plays on my a.m. radio in the really doesn't matter to me because good music touches parts of my brain no matter how it is presented, including even some old classic journey tunes...
I also like hi-fi because it can really make things sound special, but it's really second place and only serves to deliver the musical message.