On my custom HW-19 acrylic Plinth, the entire MK-IV Bearing Well (with the 3 screw mounting arrangement) is a tight slip fit.
Ny Spindle-Pivot distance on the Plinth is at +- .003".'
Probably the condition of the Bearing, and well itself is more important than what version bearing well.
I could've had a local machinist I know fabricate me a bearing that would've looked like it came of a military 2-1/2 ton truck. With his knowledge, and inspection of my stock MK-IV bearing, and the Platter, his words were "this is fine".
Yes, the 1/2" bearing shaft looks sort of "spindly" IMO.
Reckon the issues at hand are, how much load is on the bearing? There is no heat to speak of. Tolerances, ans smoothness are probably some of the most important factors.
A local machinist who is worth his salt shpuld be able to do anything you want. Tney'll usually charge you a flat rate charge for labor, and then materials acquired-used.