Q: I know you strive for complete solutions, but have you ever thought about direct drive?I, too, like and respect Simon Yorke but rather disappointed about the above. Another bewildering thing is his answer to the below:
A: Yes, and after thinking about it I moved on. Bad idea, connecting your (microphonic) record directly to the shaft of a vibrating motor, no?
Q: XLR vs RCA? Is balanced phono output a better one?
A: "XLR is a three-pin, centre-balanced transmission system. Ive never encountered a cartridge with 3 pins per channel, have you? So, what are you going to do with that third pin on your chunky XLR plug? Taking a balanced approach to a phono input is a good thing, but adopting the professional line-level transmission protocol (XLR) to do it is, in my opinion, mostly just playing games... marketing."