Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Balanced isn't only 3-pin. It could also be 5-pin stereo-balanced.
If the phonostage is fully balanced(recall Violectrik), you can rewire tonearm for 5-pin stereo-balanced transmission. So aside from marketing, our cartridges/arms are balanced by default having +&- pins for each channel + Ground.
"Both BMW and Lexus are good engineering, but the former usually has soul and the latter has not. Mercedes is somewhere in between. "

Then the answer is obvious. If it's extremely reliable, it does not have soul. If it breaks a lot, it has plenty of soul. My old MG Midget, was one soulful machine.
I've read recent newz on Z-NN that any turntable that playz FZ muzik eventually get it.
Some of you should really get a pair or two of Diesel jeans advertised here. Just make sure that they are made in Italy not Tunisia.