Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Bach's music always got my attention. It obviously has soul and a very complex one. That doesn't mean that I fully like this soul but I do resonate with it. I think that he is the greatest classical composer. Every piece of other kinds of Western music including heavy metal contains elements of classical music at one level or another, in a more subtle or open way.
Thuchan, do you also think that RTR decks differ in this respect?
Onhwy61, I've been into jazz for most of my life. Music I like consists of from 3 to 6 instruments, while classical music consists of many instruments. On less than "audiophile" equipment, all of those instruments are mashed in together and it sounds like noise to me; but played on equipment where I can hear the different instruments, it can be beautiful.
I need to put this in Fregean way: any sentence with the word 'soul' as a part is not truth-functional. This word may have some sense but it lacks reference. There is no
bearer for this 'name' which is the same as a not existing
entity. To attribute whatever quality to a non existing
entity has nothing to do with science. This word is invented as the opposite of the word physical so to use this word means to assume 'extra physical' reality. There is no music kind without physical instruments , the human voice
included. The lack of musical vocabulary can't be compensated by use of metaphors like 'soul'.


Every segment of society has it's own unique dictionary. You will not find the word "soul" in an electronics dictionary; but you would find it in a "stereo" dictionary, or a jazz and blues encyclopedia.

While I am not an expert in classical music "jargon", I have never heard that word used in reference to classical music.

Since the subject here is "music", as opposed to "metaphysics", I do believe someone's trolly has jumped the track.