Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Dear Inna,

Tapes are wonderful but very costly. At the moment I watch the "Tape Community" seeing that quite an amount of really good Master Tape Copies (not 2nd and 3rd ones) are entering the market for lower prices as it used to be three years ago, usally Jazz and Rock copies.

It will always be a niche in the audiophile's room but a very nice one.

I happened to align my old Ortofon-Stereo arm much better now, taking into account some forgotten recipies from the 50 ies and 60 ies of the last century. My friend advised me. My god, this combination - EMT and Ortofon - has soul! I am not saying it to praise myself but giving a hint that it is worth a try ending up with a perfectly adjusted EMT idler. I also do understand that people like the Garrard 301 cause it has soul too - even if it bears some limitation. Unfortunately most of the modern concepts lost their soul somewhere on the "distortion tooling bench".
As Roman senators could say: " There are better things than war" and would go to the brothel with the best on-site musicians. And they would be absolutely right, I think.
Dear Inna, 'born warríor' is a methaphor which make more sense than the methaphor of 'the soul in a TT'. You are obviously selective qua methaphors but without fundation.
To be honest I am suprised that you know anything about
Serbia, Holland and tribes in Pakistan. But 'to become a
warrior is a way of never te grow up' is of bewildering
naivety . Ever heard about 'compulsory (military) service'
(Vietnam) . Ever heard about a farmer who started any war?
Ie it is certainly not a question of free choice. The fate
of Serbia was more determinated by the geo-politacal place
then the 'Serbian soul'. But if one grow up in a continul
war state one become a warrior by necessity. The people have no other choice than to defend their ground. To impress our Rambo Rik: Hitler needed 500000 soldiers in the 'tiny' Yugoslavia to keep the 'feedpipe' for Germany
functional. For the same 'military expert': ever heard about Koerks and Stalingrad where the Germans were actually defeated? The American invasion of Sicily started pretty late in July 1943. As you are sellective with methaphors the Rambo Rik is sellective in the II W.W. history.

Splendid. You don't have much faith in your collective soul. What happened to that wild Serbian spirit in you I was talking about? No wonder that the subject of the discussion is totally incomprehensible to you for now. But you want to comprehend, that's why you keep participating and that's why I keep responding to you.
As for your surprise with what I know, I am surprised with that. How can you possibly know what I know and what I don't? As we say it in America - assumption is the mother of all f...-ups. And as you say it in Europe - f...-up is the mother of all assumptions. Both are correct.
Dear Inna, I can only make some assumptions about you by
reading your post. You are to my suprise an eloquent person in the sense of education. Thanks to your latest contributions I was eble to see this. Hoever you are changing and twisting my arguments. I deed try to give verifiable arguments for all my statements. I deed not use the 'method ' of calling names as you and Rambo Rik. He got
'the source' for the 'sense versus reference' distinction
in Frege and you both got the recommendation to read about
Galileo versus religon issue. I was reluctant to recommend Darwin in this context for abvious reasons. Now regarding the 'Serbian collective soul' (the 'wild kind') I try to axplain this in, say, geo-political way. Why the Balkan is so important for the conquerors I have no idea. There is nothing to plunder there. But if one is forced to defend
him self this is as I called it 'necessity' not 'the soul'. BTW I already stated in my first post in this thread the problem of using methaphors: overybody has his own interpretation with as consequence that an inanimate object like a TT appears to have unlimited number of souls.
