Helooooo!! Rambo, Srebrenica was and still is Serbian ground. As a military expert you should know that Serbia as a Western ally in the I WW was a kingdom which included
all Yugoslav territory except Croatia and Slovenia. It was called the kingdom of Serbians, Croatians and Slovenians.
Ie Serbia consisted of all of the rest terrytory. In the II WW Hitler used the 'national semtiments' to play off those 'Slavic brothers' against each other. In Croatia he installed an pro German governement. In the Croat trains, trams ,etc. there was a poster with this inscription: 'forbidden for dogs, Jews and Serbians'. I will spare you the details because I assume that you are well informed. After the war the communist party and 'çomprad Tito' devided Yugoslavia in 6 republics dismantling Serbia as a previous state. The post war Yugoslavia was dismatled by Germany (Gentscher) by unilateral German recognition of Croatia as a separate state. So the history 'repited itself' alas but it is abvious that the small countries are stil dominated by the big one. Strange to see an American 'military expert' with approval of the communist division of the (former-former) Yugoslavia. Your approval is obvious because you
assume that Bosnia is some separat state. Separat from Serbia that is. What are Bosnians according to you? The most of them are Serbians some of whom become Moslem during the Turkish occupation. If your 'military expert' status involve any historical knowledge than I hope that no American administration will need your advice.