Cartridge Experts

I am wondering what sonic impact is there between long vs short cantilevers? I assume a longer one will have more mass and be more damped. Of coarse it will depend on the material as well.
Doak, That is interesting. Does the Decca track well compared to the other carts you have owned?
Sarcher30, tracks at least as well as any cart I've owned -- and that's PLENTY of them over the last 35 yrs.
BTW: Using the Decca SG on a Well Tempered Amadeus TT --- a "marriage made in heaven" IMO.

These carts do best with a well damped, i.e."tempered" arm. :-)
Thanks Doak, I will put it on my list of carts to hear. It is a very interesting design.
VanDenHul feels longer is worse (from his q/a on his site)but some of the clearaudio cartridges have very long cantilevers and sound pretty good. I think its more a question to the overall cartridge designer and how he/she designs the entire system.