Lyra Delos vs Grado Statement Reference low output

I'm reading really good things about these new (sort of) Grado "Statement" series low-output carts: they are said to offer more detail than the reference series. How does the Statement Reference compare to the comparably-priced Lyra Delos? I suppose the Delos has more high-frequency extension and detail, and the Grado is richer. But is the Grado seriously outclassed by the Delos's detail, or is it close? Is the Delos seriously outclassed by the Grado's rich tone, or is it close? And are they close in terms of surface noise and tracking, or is the Delos (I assume) far better in these areas? Thank you. (I use a Heed Quasar phono stage, a Don Allen linestage and Don Allen 807 SET amp.)
Detail from the Grado is not even close. I have had a Grado Statement Reference and a Lyra Delos (since upgraded to a Kleos). IMHO, the Grado is not in the same league. yes, the tonality of a Grado is very nice, but detail is absent - it produces very pretty mush. It is difficult to find a phono pre that works well with the Grado - an EAR 834P seemed to multiply its faults. Information and help from anyone connected with Grado is very hard to come by - the opposite of dealing with Lyra.
Thank you, Lloydc. Was your Grado in the new "1" series? Your reply is very helpful.
Glad I could contribute. My Statement Reference is the original type; no experience with the revised version.
I'd take the Grado all day long. You couldn't pay me to own a Lyra. I value music over detail, hyped treble and artificiality.
The Delos is an excellent cartridge, among the best I have heard and does not concentrate on any one part of the performance. It is rich, musical, detailed and very quiet in the groove. I expect it to be my reference cartridge for quite some time.