Low vs. High Output MC Cartridges

When a MC cartridge is offered both in a Low & High Output version (e.g. Dynavector DV 20X2), what advantage (if any) does one have over the other?

That is, why offer two different output versions of the same cartridge?
02-08-12: Lewm

To the OP, I have always found that LOMCs are as a class superior to HOMCs purely as regards fidelity. In fact, I prefer highest quality MM and MI cartridges over HOMC cartridges, again, as a class. But this is just one opinion.

I'm not sure. How do you explain Clearaudio's upper tier carts ? The Goldfinger Statement cart is HO MC and arguably one of the best sounding carts one can buy.

02-09-12: Rockitman
I'm not sure. How do you explain Clearaudio's upper tier carts ? The Goldfinger Statement cart is HO MC and arguably one of the best sounding carts one can buy.

1+1=2 only in math, but in reality it could be 2 or more...
Frogman, If you re-read my statement, note that in all cases I used the qualifier "as a class". This is to warn the reader that I mean "in general", i.e., I did not mean for what I wrote to be taken as a hard and fast rule. In other words, I was saying, as you said, be careful about generalizations. Of course, I have not heard every HOMC ever made or every LOMC either. So it is entirely possible that a single given HOMC (apparently the Clearaudio is one, in your opinion) could be competitive with the other best cartridges in the world of any and all types. But I spent about 15 years playing with several so-called "good" HOMC cartridges (Sumiko, Benz and Transfig brands) in my system, and in my system, in my opinion, they suck compared to a few very good LOMC cartridges and a few very good MM and MI cartridges that came later. OK? To be more specific, they lacked "sparkle", life, any sense of verisimilitude.

Marakanetz, In your very last post, you say exactly what I say. So I am guessing that you just accidentally misspoke in your first and second posts regarding susceptibility to EMI. Cool.
Lew, I'm not quite sure I understand why you felt I was referring to or contradicting your comments. If anything, I was referring mostly to Stanwal's correct observation that some think LO is better, and some that HO is better. If you reread my comments you will note that we are actually in agreement. I believe that in absolute terms LO versions of the same cartridge are generally better. The point that I was making was that because of their lower output, in practice, they may not yield a superior result in a system with a gain structure that benefits from a healthier output from the cartridge. BTW, I have no experience with Clearaudio cartridges, and made no reference to them (??).

Speaking of the comment re Clearaudio carts, Rockitman the .8 or .9 mv output of the Clearaudios can fairly be considered medium output for a MC. My experience with VDH and Benz medium output MC's tells me that output in the .5-1 mv range represents a very sensible compromise on the part of manufacturers to maximize the advantages of low output design and usability in "the real world".