Low vs. High Output MC Cartridges

When a MC cartridge is offered both in a Low & High Output version (e.g. Dynavector DV 20X2), what advantage (if any) does one have over the other?

That is, why offer two different output versions of the same cartridge?
I agree with Dover, There is obvious pursuit by the producer to use as little wire as possible on the 'bobin' or the coil plate. The 'éxotic' plates like ruby
by Benz seems to need more wire then the'iron'kind. This can be seen by their imp. specifications. To my mind one can better choose for some good MM cart then HOMC.
Frogman, your comments about generalization are very true, however generalizing gives you some ideas about building your analogue system based on either scientific facts, reviews, feedback, personal listening experience. My system based on LOMC and 60dB SUT-less pleases me all the way except that it doesn't have a subsonic filter and some of the records really rumble the speakers.
02-08-12: Lewm

To the OP, I have always found that LOMCs are as a class superior to HOMCs purely as regards fidelity. In fact, I prefer highest quality MM and MI cartridges over HOMC cartridges, again, as a class. But this is just one opinion.

I'm not sure. How do you explain Clearaudio's upper tier carts ? The Goldfinger Statement cart is HO MC and arguably one of the best sounding carts one can buy.

02-09-12: Rockitman
I'm not sure. How do you explain Clearaudio's upper tier carts ? The Goldfinger Statement cart is HO MC and arguably one of the best sounding carts one can buy.

1+1=2 only in math, but in reality it could be 2 or more...