Hi Bill, nice discussion here and great points all around. If you want to hear a top class vinyl and digital setup, feel free to private mail me and swing by my house in Austin. It's hard to beat my vinyl set up and even harder to beat my digital setup. This allows for easy a-b comparisons on the format...
My only point of contention on the posters above is a killer good sacd transport still beats hi rez computer, at least in my system. SACD's are plentiful if you listen to classical or a bit less plentiful on jazz. Some of my Jazz SACD's that originated from master tape are my best sounding sources.
I've heard a lot of great mini monitors...I don't think small speakers, if good, really hold you back much. However, if you're going to use a speaker stand you might as well consider Wilson Sasha's or maybe the Rockports along with the Magico's. If you haven't heard the newer Wilson's, you're in for a nice surprise...
Also, I made the move from tube amplification to solid state about 2 years ago. In Texas, the heat from my former BAT VK150SE's was a lot in the summer (actually any time other than dec-feb), and went to Ayre MX-Rs. I did loose a bit of tube magic, but gained a bit of resolution/control and they always on ready to play-so I listen more. Isn't that what it's really about?
Good luck to you, it's been a great thread and I bet more to come!
My only point of contention on the posters above is a killer good sacd transport still beats hi rez computer, at least in my system. SACD's are plentiful if you listen to classical or a bit less plentiful on jazz. Some of my Jazz SACD's that originated from master tape are my best sounding sources.
I've heard a lot of great mini monitors...I don't think small speakers, if good, really hold you back much. However, if you're going to use a speaker stand you might as well consider Wilson Sasha's or maybe the Rockports along with the Magico's. If you haven't heard the newer Wilson's, you're in for a nice surprise...
Also, I made the move from tube amplification to solid state about 2 years ago. In Texas, the heat from my former BAT VK150SE's was a lot in the summer (actually any time other than dec-feb), and went to Ayre MX-Rs. I did loose a bit of tube magic, but gained a bit of resolution/control and they always on ready to play-so I listen more. Isn't that what it's really about?
Good luck to you, it's been a great thread and I bet more to come!