I would keep the turntable as far from the speakers as possible. Also keep it out of the corner of the room as bass energy is higher in corners. Otherwise you could have problems with acoustic feedback. Make sure you keep the interconnects under 2m from TT to preamp shorter is better.
Another alternative is position the TT between the speakers. Since your speakers are bipolar there is not as much energy to the sides of the speakers. So if you put it in the same plane as the 3.7's it could work well. I prefer to have nothing between my speakers. It is easier to imagine the performers are in the room.
Another alternative is position the TT between the speakers. Since your speakers are bipolar there is not as much energy to the sides of the speakers. So if you put it in the same plane as the 3.7's it could work well. I prefer to have nothing between my speakers. It is easier to imagine the performers are in the room.