As far as I know, the SDS's ability to adjust line frequency in Hertz is not due to instabilities in line frequency coming from the wall, as this is usually very stable, but rather to fine tune deficiencies in platter, or pulley diameter, or other anomalies in the table's drive system itself.
Which brings me to this suggestion for the original poster.
First, find out what your ramp down voltage is set to. If 72V, this may perhaps be too low a setting for your particular table, and drive system.
That using Idler Pulleys, ultra heavy Platters, etc, 72V may not be sufficient voltage. You may need to select a slightly higher voltage?
Just a thought, and worth trying first, before condemning the unit as faulty. Mark
Which brings me to this suggestion for the original poster.
First, find out what your ramp down voltage is set to. If 72V, this may perhaps be too low a setting for your particular table, and drive system.
That using Idler Pulleys, ultra heavy Platters, etc, 72V may not be sufficient voltage. You may need to select a slightly higher voltage?
Just a thought, and worth trying first, before condemning the unit as faulty. Mark